After the request of a user I added a very simple HDF5 export to my DyMat package. The code is already in the github repository and will be part of the next release. If you are interested in the handling of Modelica simulations with Python you should also have a look at these packages: ModelicaRes…
Talk at the Modelica Conference 2012 in Munich
I will have a presentation and talk at the 9. International Modelica Conference in Munich at 3.-5. September 2012. It will focus on: ncDataReader2 – my file reader library, its usage from Modelica and its application in recent research projects. Version 2.3.0 is out now, but I hope to get some improvements done til september….
DyMat | version 0.5 reads more file formats
Version 0.5 of my package DyMat has been released. Read access to different file structures has been implemented. The new version will be able to read most mat files written by dymola. DyMat should still be handled as beta software, it may have some bugs!
Dymolas different mat file formats – the Aclass quest
When playing a bit with the result files of Dymola 2012 I discovered an strange behaviour in the structure of the saved mat-files. Until now I’ve seen three variants of these files: The format of the regular result files saved automatically by the simulation process. This format is also used by OpenModelica and can be…
DyMat | Reading Modelica results with python
The simple module has turned into a complete python package including a script, documentation and more output options. This package is released under the BSD License. The development is hosted on, feel free to contribute! Project homepage: Development hosting: Highlights: documentation (well, some …) command-line script DyMatExport export to CSV, Gnuplot, MATLAB…
| View all articles regarding DyMat | This package contains some modules to read and process the result files from Dymola and OpenModelica with python. A script is included that will help you to browse and export the contents of these files to other formats. Both simulation systems save their results in regular mat-files, but… used in LBLs Modelica Buildings Library
My python module will now be part of free Modelica Library for Building Energy and Control Systems developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The module may be used under the terms of the Modelica License 2. I will add the copyright notice and license information to the file soon.
Reading dymolas mat-files with python
INFO: This post is outdated! Please have a look here. Dymola stores its simulation results in regular mat-files, but the program uses a special variable structure to store the data efficiently. An easy way to access the data is MATLAB, but I was looking for a more pythonic solution. If you want to access the…