In this semester (winter 2019) I offer different coding classes at the Berlin University of the Arts, which seem to attract a lot of students. The idea is to learn common coding concepts by means of Processing and to apply this knowledge to other environments and languages. Coding Basics – introducing basic coding concepts with…
I started teaching coding skills (Pascal and C) in 1999 in a lectureship at the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics. Until today I held different lectures and classes, mainly for students of the Berlin University of the Arts, on the following topics: Coding basics using Processing Coding in Python Generative design with Rhino/Grasshopper…
Making Windows work – free software essentials
Although working mostly with linux I need to install or to use a MS Windows machine from time to time. Being spoiled by the large amount of software available for linux I really miss a lot of functionality on a “naked” windows computer. After the installation and update process of windows I usually install a…
processing | poor man’s evolution
This is an example from my generative design class of the digi-pro project. Note: these processing sketches are based on java, the execution in your browser may be restricted or even blocked completely. Please review the security settings of your browser and your java installation if you don’t see the sketches. You need to include…
processing | Koch-curve
This is another small demo from my generative design class of the digi-pro project. It draws a Koch curve using a recursive algorithm at variable depth. The horizontal mouse position is used for the depth value. By pressing the p-key you may toggle the drawing of small point markers. The c-key will export the points…
processing | greatest common divisor
This is a small demo from my generative design class of the digi-pro project. It uses the euklidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD, GGT in german ) of two numbers. The mouse position (x, y) is used for the numbers. Press the keys 1, 2 or 3 to get different visualization methods…
processing | digi-pro
Some processing sketches will be shown here in the future. Starting with the ‘generative design’-workshop of the ‘digi-pro‘-project I did some exercises in processing for my students.