- Energy Engineer (Diplom-Ingenieur für Energietechnik) working in different research projects
- Software architect and developer for more than 20 years (Python, C, Processing, Javascript, C#, SQL, C++, Fortran, Pascal)
- University teacher
- Network administrator
- Linux expert (since kernel 0.99.12)
- Experience in electronics, microcontrollers and embedded systems
- Mechanic
Jörg Rädler Systementwicklung (systems development)
Development of technical systems (software/hardware) for:
- Research setups and test benches
- Museums and exhibitions
- Art installations
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (from 2020)
- BAM – Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- Systems Engineer and IT Service Manager / Linux Systems
Berlin University of the Arts (2008-2020)
- Head of the computer pool CAD_LAB – support and service for ~350 students and staff
- Head of IT at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Development – development, implementation, administration and maintenance of the infrastructure (network, servers, services, workstations)
- Teacher
- Research assistant
- Technical manager of the Berlin Open Lab – a digital research lab