Some impressions of our Arduino/µC workshop based on my Coding Basics class: This was one of my last activities at the UdK Berlin, and a pretty good one!
Coding Classes in the Winter Semester
In this semester (winter 2019) I offer different coding classes at the Berlin University of the Arts, which seem to attract a lot of students. The idea is to learn common coding concepts by means of Processing and to apply this knowledge to other environments and languages. Coding Basics – introducing basic coding concepts with…
I started teaching coding skills (Pascal and C) in 1999 in a lectureship at the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics. Until today I held different lectures and classes, mainly for students of the Berlin University of the Arts, on the following topics: Coding basics using Processing Coding in Python Generative design with Rhino/Grasshopper…
processing | digi-pro
Some processing sketches will be shown here in the future. Starting with the ‘generative design’-workshop of the ‘digi-pro‘-project I did some exercises in processing for my students.