Janosch was born on 17.06.2010 at 21:12. He has a weight of 4010g and a length of 56 cm. View pictures here (password required).
Imprint | Impressum
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Jörg Rädler Sellotraße 30 14471 Potsdam Kontakt: Telefon: 0163 7184242 E-Mail: joerg@j-raedler.de Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Jörg Rädler Sellostraße 30 14471 Potsdam Disclaimer Für die Inhalte von verlinkten externen Servern fühle ich mich nicht verantwortlich. Nach meinem Kenntnisstand und zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme verweisen…
Contact + Legal Information
Mail: joerg@j-raedler.de PGP-Key: 0xC59BF7E0 (get the key from a keyserver)Fingerprint: 5C6D 2D4F 6D02 27A0 9E12 7447 2A16 134E C59B F7E0 Social networks: facebook | XING | LinkedIn | ResearchGate Development: github.com Imprint / impressum Privacy and cookie policy (english) Datenschutzerklärung (deutsch)
websitebaker 2 wordpress
The move from websitebaker to wordpress is done for this website. WSB was a good choice, but with wordpress I hope to get my activities documented in an easier way. Most content from the old website is converted, more will follow. I hope to find the time to push SimuVis a little more.
About Me
Qualification Energy Engineer (Diplom-Ingenieur für Energietechnik) working in different research projects Software architect and developer for more than 20 years (Python, C, Processing, Javascript, C#, SQL, C++, Fortran, Pascal) University teacher Network administrator Linux expert (since kernel 0.99.12) Experience in electronics, microcontrollers and embedded systems Mechanic Jörg Rädler Systementwicklung (systems development) Development of technical…