In this semester (winter 2019) I offer different coding classes at the Berlin University of the Arts, which seem to attract a lot of students. The idea is to learn common coding concepts by means of Processing and to apply this knowledge to other environments and languages.
- Coding Basics – introducing basic coding concepts with the Processing environment. This class is the foundation for the following coding specials.
- Coding Special: Unity3d/C#/VR – scripting interactions in Unity3d scenes for architectural presentation using C# (screen based and for virtual reality applications).
- Coding Special: Physical Computing with Rhino/Grasshopper – connecting Arduino microcontrollers, sensors and actuators to Rhino and Grasshopper.
- Coding Special: Python – using Python for standalone programs and to script components for Rhino and Grasshopper.
- Coding Special: Javascript – scriptig with p5js and Node.js.
- Coding Special: Advanced – advanced methods and tools for software development.