Tag: arduino

Video: Arduino Workshop

Some impressions of our Arduino/µC workshop based on my Coding Basics class: This was one of my last activities at the UdK Berlin, and a pretty good one!

Coding Classes in the Winter Semester

In this semester (winter 2019) I offer different coding classes at the Berlin University of the Arts, which seem to attract a lot of students. The idea is to learn common coding concepts by means of Processing and to apply this knowledge to other environments and languages. Coding Basics – introducing basic coding concepts with…


I started teaching coding skills (Pascal and C) in 1999 in a lectureship at the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics. Until today I held different lectures and classes, mainly for students of the Berlin University of the Arts, on the following topics: Coding basics using Processing Coding in Python Generative design with Rhino/Grasshopper…

MEMEX @ Das Netz

Interactive exhibit at “Das Netz” in the “Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin” – cooperation with Felix Scharstein The MEMEX is a historical vision of an american scientist, published in 1945, but never realized. It is a „device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library“ based on microfilm technology. The most important idea is the creation of…

Building a MEMEX

I recently started building a MEMEX device for a new exhibition “Das Netz” in the Berlin Museum of Technolgy. The MEMEX is a vision of a scientist from the 1940s about future knowledge management based on microfilms. The exhibit will use computer components instead but it will simulate the look and feel of a microfilm…

PSoC 4 – an exciting low-cost platform

I started using microcontrollers with the Arduino / ATMega platforms because of the simple IDE and the large amount of additional material available. Now I discovered a new platform and started building projects on it. Its the PSoC 4 family made by Cypress. You get a prototyping board with an ARM processor and everything you need…

Reading Buttons of a LCD Keypad with Arduino

The LCD Keypad shield from dfrobot is a nice way to get a display and some buttons for an Arduino board. Unfortunately the reading of  button presses does not reliably work with the standard software (LCDKeypad). The alternative keygrabber library seems to be incomplete and did not work for me. The dfrobot forum lists some…

Binary Toy for the Museum of Technology, Berlin

My first larger project using the Arduino platform is an exhibit for the German Museum of Technology in Berlin. It will be shown in the Konrad Zuse exhibition. The device shows a random number (left display). By activating the correct bits in a binary representation (center display) the visitor has to assemble this number (right…