Video: Arduino Workshop

Some impressions of our Arduino/µC workshop based on my Coding Basics class: This was one of my last activities at the UdK Berlin, and a pretty good one!

New GPG Key

My old DSA key was replaced after almost 13 years by a new RSA key. Please be sure to use the new key for communication. Fingerprint: 5C6D 2D4F 6D02 27A0 9E12 7447 2A16 134E C59B F7E0  

Coding Classes in the Winter Semester

In this semester (winter 2019) I offer different coding classes at the Berlin University of the Arts, which seem to attract a lot of students. The idea is to learn common coding concepts by means of Processing and to apply this knowledge to other environments and languages. Coding Basics – introducing basic coding concepts with…

Moving Back to GitHub

More than six years after I left GitHub with most of my development projects I will finally return. Almost all open source projects and a lot of teams I work with are on GitHub, the collaboration will be much easier on the same platform. In the next weeks I will move projects to a new…

Opening of the Berlin Open Lab

After some months of heavy work the Berlin Open Lab is finally opening! Berlin Open Lab is an experimental space for transdisciplinary research projects at the intersection of technology, society and arts based on Campus Charlottenburg in Berlin. The BOL will be used by scientists from: the Berlin University of the Arts, the Technical University…

Building the Infrastructure of the Berlin Open Lab

A new digital research lab will be build at the Berlin University of the Arts. I was asked to become the technical manager of this lab, which will open in 2019. Right now we are busy with the unboxing and installation of machines and furniture. The design and implementation of the whole IT structure will…

Exhibition “Das Netz” gets awarded

This exhibition at the German Museum of Technology, to which I contributed three exhibits, is the winner in a nationwide contest. It has won an award as an “Excellent Place in the Nation of Ideas 2015” in the category culture.

Polygon | new version 2.0.8 and 3.0.8

After more than one year I released new versions of my python packages for polygon handling. There are only two small changes: fix to isInside() to be more reliable with nested contours binaries ar now hosted at PiPY and can be installed with pip This is my last release of Polygon2 for Python version 2.x,…