Tag: programming

processing | greatest common divisor

This is a small demo from my generative design class of the digi-pro project. It uses the euklidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD, GGT in german ) of two numbers. The mouse position (x, y) is used for the numbers. Press the keys 1, 2 or 3 to get different visualization methods…

Triangle | 1.0

The triangulation module for python based on Jonathan Richard Shewchuk’s program Triangle was updated. It should work with recent versions of python 2.x now.

XMarshaL | 1.0

My pickling/marshalling module for python was updated to work with recent python 2.x installations.

ncDataReader2 | 2.2.0

A new release of ncDataReader2 is out. Changes include: switched from autoconf to cmake tested to compile on Linux, Windows and MacOS the easy API (EA) was completed EA works now with Modelica (Dymola): a weather file reader was implemented and tested with the  modelica library FluidFlow new documentation in english support for netCDF attributes…

processing | digi-pro

Some processing sketches will be shown here in the future. Starting with the ‘generative design’-workshop of the ‘digi-pro‘-project I did some exercises in processing for my students.


|View all articles regarding Polygon| Polygon is a Python package that handles polygonal shapes in 2D. It contains Python bindings for gpc, the excellent General Polygon Clipping Library by Alan Murta and some extensions written in C and pure Python. With Polygon you may handle complex polygonal shapes in Python in a very intuitive way….


|View all articles regarding ncDataReader2| ncDataReader2 is a library of C functions to access data stored in netCDF files using different interpolation and extrapolation methods. The aim of this library is to provide access from simulation systems like Modelica to data sets like weather data or measured time rows. As such systems usually require strict…


Machines / Devices / Exhibits MEMEX @ Das Netz Packet Routing @ Das Netz Fiber Optic Communication @ Das Netz Control and measuring environment for the prototype of a new wind generator. The device was based on an Arduino Mega with some additional electronics. (not public) Binary Toy for the Berlin Museum of Technology. Software…