processing | greatest common divisor

This is a small demo from my generative design class of the digi-pro project. It uses the euklidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD, GGT in german ) of two numbers. The mouse position (x, y) is used for the numbers. Press the keys 1, 2 or 3 to get different visualization methods…


Janosch was born on 17.06.2010 at 21:12. He has a weight of 4010g and  a length of 56 cm. View pictures here (password required).

Triangle | 1.0

The triangulation module for python based on Jonathan Richard Shewchuk’s program Triangle was updated. It should work with recent versions of python 2.x now.

XMarshaL | 1.0

My pickling/marshalling module for python was updated to work with recent python 2.x installations.

ncDataReader2 | 2.2.0

A new release of ncDataReader2 is out. Changes include: switched from autoconf to cmake tested to compile on Linux, Windows and MacOS the easy API (EA) was completed EA works now with Modelica (Dymola): a weather file reader was implemented and tested with the  modelica library FluidFlow new documentation in english support for netCDF attributes…

processing | digi-pro

Some processing sketches will be shown here in the future. Starting with the ‘generative design’-workshop of the ‘digi-pro‘-project I did some exercises in processing for my students.

websitebaker 2 wordpress

The move from websitebaker to wordpress is done for this website. WSB was a good choice, but with wordpress I hope to get my activities documented in an easier way. Most content from the old website is converted, more will follow. I hope to find the time to push SimuVis a little more.